Our PE has a long history in publishing – displaying expertise in geotechnical, structural, environmental, civil, and hydrological engineering.
- Said, , A. Amer, N. Abdel Halem, M. Abdel Wahed, 1998. Forecasting Nile River Flows, presented in the International Conference on Coping with Water Scarcity, IAHR, Hurghada, Egypt; 26‐28 August.
- Said, , A. Shawky, N. ElMasry, M. Ezzat, M. Hassan, 1999. Analysis of Nile Water Pollution Control Strategies:Case study using the Decision Support System for Water Quality, presented in the International Conference Envirowater99 on Emerging Technologies for Sustainable Land Use and Water Management, Lausanne, Switzerland, 1‐4 September.
- Said, , 2001. Water Quality Evaluation Using General Water Quality Index for Freshwater, presented at the 2001AWRA/UCOWR Summer Specialty Conference on Decision Support System for Water Resources Management, Snowbird, Utah, June 27‐30.
- Said, , D. K. Stevens, and G. Sehlke, 2001. Relation of Land‐Use to Total Nitrogen/Phosphorus in Streams, presented at the 2001 AWRA Annual Water Resources Conference; Albuquerque, Journal of the American Water Resources Association New Mexico; Nov 12‐15.
- Said, , T. Glover, D. K. Stevens, and G. Sehlke, 2002. Water Conservations and Quality Impacts on Watershed Economics, presented at AWRA Spring Specialty Conference in New Orleans, Louisiana.
- Said, , D. K. Stevens, and G. Sehlke, 2002. Surface and Ground Water Interaction in the Big Lost River, Idaho, presented at AWRA Summer Specialty Conference in Keystone, Colorado during 1‐4 July.
- Said, , D. K. Stevens, and G. Sehlke, 2002. Selective Tool for Best Alternative Remediation Options, presented at AWRA Annual Conference in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania during November 3‐7.
- Said, , D. K. Steven, D. Sorenson, T. Glover, W. Walker, and G. Sehlke, 2003. Exploring an Innovative Watershed Management Approach: From Feasibility to Sustainability, presented at the 2nd Dubrovnik Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, Dubrovnik, Croatia, June 15‐20.
- Said, , D. K. Stevens, and G. Sehlke, 2003. Comparisons between the Water Quality Index and the Macroinvertebrate Metrics, presented at the 2003 Subsurface Science Symposium, organized by the Inland Northwest Research Alliance (INRA) and the Idaho National Laboratory (INEEL), Salt Lake City, UT, October 5‐8.
- Said, , D. K. Stevens, and G. Sehlke, 2003. Water Balance Model for the Big Lost River, Idaho, 2003 AIH Annual Meeting & Conference on Achieving Sustainable Water Resources in Areas Experiencing Rapid Population Growth, Atlanta, Georgia, October 19 – 22.
- Said, , D. K. Stevens, and G. Sehlke, 2003. Surface and Ground Water Interaction in the Big Lost River: How Much and Where Lost? Presented at the AWRA Annual Conference, San Diego, CA.
- Said, , M. Ross, and D. K. Stevens, 2003. Water Quality Assessment: Statistical versus Classification Approach, AGU Fall Meeting 2003, San Francisco, December, 8‐12.
- Ross, , P. Tara, J. Geurink, and A. Said, 2004. Evapotranspiration Conceptualization in the HSPF‐MODFLOW Integrated Models, presented at the 2004 Annual Meeting of the American Institute of Hydrology, Las Vegas, Nevada, October 17‐20.
- Said and Mark Ross, 2005. “Will freshwater remain sustainable in west‐central Florida with increasing anthropologic and natural influences?” submitted and accepted for the 3rd Dubrovnik Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, June 5‐10.
- Said, , M. Ross, and D. K. Stevens, 2002. Water Quality Relationships and Evaluation Using a New Water Quality Index, presented at the Transboundary Water Conference, sponsored by the Universities Council on Water Resources. Traverse City, Michigan, July 23‐26.
- Said, , M. Nachabe, M. Ross, and J. Vomacka, 2004. Methodology for Estimating Specific Yield in Shallow, in: World Water Congress 2004, Water Environment Using Continuous Soil Moisture Data, Critical Transitions in Water and Environmental Resources Management, World, Gerald Sehlke, Donald F. Hayes, David K. Stevens ‐ Editors, June 27 – July 1, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA.
- Said, , 2006. Probabilistic Approach for Estimating Uncertainty in Climate Change Scenarios and Mitigation, presented in the AWRA 2006 Annual Conference, November 6‐9, 2006, Baltimore, MD.
- Said, , 2007. Assessment of Water Resources Degradation in the Lower Boise River, presented at the EWRI conference, Tampa, FL, May 2007.
- Said, , 2007, Mark Ross, and Ken Trout. Calibration of HSPF Using Active Ground Water Storage, presented at the EWRI conference, Tampa, FL, May 2007.
- Said, , 2007. Reducing the Buildup of carbon Dioxide in the Atmosphere, presented at the 2007 UCOWR/NIWR Conference, Hazards in Water Resources, held July 24‐26, 2007 in Boise, Idaho.
- Shah, N., Ross, and A. Said, 2007. Vadose Zone Evapotranspiration Distribution Using One‐Dimensional Analysis and Conceptualization for Integrated Modeling, presented at the EWRI conference, Tampa
- Said, and H. Downing, 2010. Estimating Connected Impervious Areas as A Function of Rainfall Depth, In: AWRA 2010 Spring Specialty Conference, March 29‐31, 2010, Orlando, FL.
- Said, , 2011. Sinkhole Lakes in West Central Florida, accepted: the Twelfth Multidisciplinary Conference on Sinkholes and the Engineering and Environmental Impacts of Karst, January 10‐14, 2014, St. Louis, Missouri.
- Said, , D. K. Stevens, and G. Sehlke, 2004. An Innovative Index for Evaluating Water Quality in Streams, Environmental Management, 34(3): 406 – 414.
- Ross, , J. Geurink, A. Said, A. Aly, and P. Tara, 2005. Evapotranspiration Conceptualization in the HSPF- MODFLOW Integrated Models, J. Amer. Water Res. Assoc., 41(5): 1013‐1026.
- Said, , M. Ross, K. Trout, and J. Zhang, 2007. Simulation of Surface Water for Un‐gauged Areas with Storage‐Attenuation Wetlands, J. Amer. Water Res. Assoc., 43(2):546‐556.
- Said, , D. K Stevens, and G. Sehlke, 2005. Estimating Water Budget in a Regional Aquifer Using HSPF‐MODFLOW Integrated Model, J. Amer. Water Res. Assoc., 41(1): 55 – 66.
- Said, , 2006. The Implementation of a Bayesian Network for Watershed Management Decisions,WaterResources Management, 20(1): 964‐972.
- Said, , D. K. Stevens, and G. Sehlke, 2005. Physical and Economic Sustainability of Water: New Approach Using the Case of the Big Lost River, Idaho, J. Environment, Development and Sustainability, 7(4): 453–464.
- Said, , D. K. Stevens, and G. Sehlke, T. Glover, D. L. Sorensen, W. Walker, and T. Hardy, 2006. Exploring an Innovative Watershed Management Approach: From Feasibility to Sustainability, the International J. Energy, 31(13): 2373‐2386.
- Said, , M. Nachabe, M. Ross, and J. Vomacka, 2005. Methodology for Estimating Specific Yield in Shallow Water Environment Using Continuous Soil Moisture Data, J. Irrigation and Drainage Eng., ASCE, 131(6) 533‐538.
- Said, , 2006. Limiting Nutrient and Phosphorus Loading from Non‐Point and Point Sources and Groundwater Discharge, Spatial Hydrology, 6(2): 23‐37, Fall, 2006.
- Said, , D. K. Stevens, D. L. Sorensen, G. Sehlke, T. Glover, W. Walker, and T. Hardy, 2005. Measuring and enhancing sustainability through effective watershed management decisions. In “Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems.” Editors: Afgan, N, Z. Bogdan, N. Duic, Z. Guzovic, 315‐324, 486 pp., A.A. Balkema Publishers.
- Ross, , A. Said, J. Geurink, P. Tara, and A. Aly, 2005. Evapotranspiration Hierarchy and Allocation for Integrated Surface and Groundwater Models in West‐Central Florida, AIH J. Hydrological Science & Technology, 21(1‐4): 157‐168.
- Ross, , K. Trout, P. Tara, A. Said, and J. Geurink, 2005. A New Discretization Scheme for Integrated Surface and Groundwater Modeling, AIH J. Hydrological Science & Technology, 21(1‐4): 143‐156.
- Rahgozar, , M. Ross, and A. Said, 2005. Estimation of Evapotranspiration and Water Budget Components Using Continuous Soil Moisture and Water Table Mointoring, AIH J. Hydrological Science & Technology, 21(1‐4):119‐142.
- Mueses, , A. Said, and M. Ross, 2007. Generalized Nondimensional Depth‐Discharge Rating Curves Tested on Florida Streamflow, J. Amer. Water Res. Assoc., 43(2): 473‐481.
- Jing Zhang; Said; and Mark Ross, 2010. Approach Using Active Groundwater Storage for Hydrologic Model Calibration in West‐Central Florida, Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, Volume 136 (1): 58‐62.
- Said, A., H. Downing, and M. Nachabe, 2010. Comparison of Rainfall-Runoff Approaches in Estimating Connected Impervious Areas, Submitted, Journal of Hydrology Research, Hydrology- D-09-00106.
- Kolasa, , D. Leeper, D. Ellison, and A. Said, 2011. Proposed Minimum and Guidance Levels for Lake Wimauma in Hillsborough County, Florida, Ecologic Evaluation and Hydrologic Evaluation Sections Resource Projects Department, Southwest Florida Water Management District, Brooksville, FL.
- Kolasa, , D. Ellison, R. Gant, and A. Said, 2011, Proposed Minimum and Guidance Levels for Lake Carroll in Hillsborough County, Florida, Ecologic Evaluation and Hydrologic Evaluation Sections Resource Projects Department, Southwest Florida Water Management District, Brooksville, FL.
- Kolasa, , D. Leeper, D. Ellison, and A. Said, 2011. Minimum and Guidance Levels for Lake Crystal in Polk County, Florida, Ecologic Evaluation and Hydrologic Evaluation Sections Resource Projects Department, Southwest Florida Water Management District, Brooksville, FL.
- Kolasa, , D. Leeper, A. Said, and D. Ellison, 2011. Minimum and Guidance Levels for North Lake Wales in Polk County, Florida, Ecologic Evaluation and Hydrologic Evaluation Sections Resource Projects Department, Southwest Florida Water Management District, Brooksville, FL.
- Said, A. 20 Likelihood of Sinkholes in West Central Florida, in press, Journal of Geotechnical Engineering.
- Said, A. 201 Sinkhole Remediation in West Central Florida: Lessons Learned, In Press, The Electronic Journal of Geotechnical Engineering.
- Said, A., 2014. Generalized Method for Estimating Variability in Directly Connected Impervious Areas, In Press, Global Journal of Engineering Science and Research Management.
- Said, A., 2014. Foundation Underpinning Process and Relationship with Groundwater in West-Central Florida” has been reviewed, accepted, edited, and published in EJGE, Vol. 19 [2014]/Bund.Z3, as Paper 2014-848.
- Said, Ahmed, 2014. Generalized Method For Estimating Variability In Directly Connected Impervious Areas, Global Journal of Engineering Science and Research Management, ISSN: 2349-45061(8): December 2014.
- Said, Ahmed, 2015. The Coefficient of Broad-Crested Weir in Natural Channels, International Journal of Science and Engineering Invention (IJSEI), Volume 01 Issue 01 December 2015.
- Fairness in Adaptation to Climate Change, Edited by Neil Adger, Jouni Paavola, Saleemul Huq and M. J. Mace, Cambridge, Mass. : MIT Press, 2006, Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 43(4) 1090‐1095, 2007.